On Sale This Week @ The Power Mall:
Veterans Special:
20% off Lithium Orotate
Improve Your Mood & Brain Health With Lithium Orotate
Lithium orotate does wonders for your brain and emotional health. It promotes a balanced mood, reduces irritability, and even boosts brain health. Plus, with lithium orotate, you’ll feel a sense of calm and clarity!
20 % off all Miracle II Products:
Miracle II Soap Regular (22oz & Gallon)
Miracle II Moisturizing Soap (22oz & Gallon)
Miracle II Neutralizer (22oz & Gallon)
Miracle II Neutralizer Gel (22oz) - BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND!!
Miracle II Soap - The original multi-purpose liquid green soap replaces your bathing, laundry and household cleaning products. It's a soap, cleaning agent, degreaser, and deodorizer all in one! Miracle II Soap cleans your home, laundry, face & skin, your car, and a whole lot more -- including your windows. Naturally concentrated, and biodegradable. Dilute it to create solutions for your cleaning needs.
Miracle 11 Neutralizer - Alkalizing liquid to neutralize your body's PH. Add to your drinking water to help balance your body's pH! Makes one gallon of neutralizer liquid when mixed with one gallon of spring, distilled, or reversed osmosis water (preferably not tap water).
10% Off Strauss Naturals:
10% off SIlver Botanicals:
10% off Eye Complex CS - formulated by Dr. Robert Abel
FLASH SALE: 20% off Grown by Nature Iron & Molybdenum Re-Natured® (60 CT)
If you’d like to support #CashFriday AND The Power Hour radio show, you can save 10% on your purchase at The Power Mall every Friday by using the code “CASHFRIDAY” at checkout when you select cash, check, or money order for payment.
>> Find our more about Cash Friday here: https://thepowerhour.com/cashfriday-how-to-fight-big-banks-plan-to-digitize-the-global-economy/
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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.