3 Reasons Healthy Gut Flora Is Important

Written by Dr. Edward Group

Your gut is home to over 100 billion bacteria, but antibiotics, pesticides, stress, and genetically-modified foods are just a few of the things that can weaken that diversity.  Your gut’s bacteria needs to stay healthy or concerns like irritable bowel syndrome, gluten allergies, and even obesity can be more likely. Some even think the recent rise in autism, Alzheimer’s, and multiple sclerosis could even be connected to an unhealthy gut!  Let's look at just 3 reasons why healthy gut flora are so important.

Why Is a Healthy Gut Flora Important?

1. Discourages Crohn’s Disease

Crohn’s disease is often difficult to diagnose from stool samples, but the key to the disease could be found inside the gut. Researchers looked at tissue samples from the intestinal walls of “447 newly affected and 221 non-affected people” and found an overabundance of certain bacteria types was linked to inflammation levels.  That’s just more reason to encourage healthy gut flora!

2. Promotes Digestion & Digestive Health

This is the big one most people are aware of and it probably comes as no surprise that bacteria levels inside your gut can help with digestion. Recent evidence suggests a healthy and diverse microbiome could even help with intestinal integrity.  Basically, that’s how the body separates the good from the bad. A healthy gut only allows what’s useful to pass through to the body.

3. Supports Mental Health

When you eat a big meal, you stop when you’re full, right? Well, a healthy gut could even help your brain know when you’ve had enough by releasing specific satiety hormones.  It could also play a role in depression and anxiety.  Recent evidence even suggests a link between gut health and autism, with research showing that probiotic treatments could help autistic children by improving bacteria levels.  Scientists are finding more and more about this gut-brain connection all the time!

How Can You Support Healthy Gut Flora?

Recent evidence suggests a good diet and exercise could influence gut flora, so why not start a new fitness habit?  Of course, you could always just turn to probiotic-rich foods like fermented vegetables and yogurt. A high-quality probiotic supplement is another surefire way to bridge the gaps in your diet like Latero-Flora,which is the B.O.D. Bacillus Laterosporus strain 

Power Mall Products of Interest: Living Streams Multi-Blend Liquid Probiotic  & LateroFlora Probiotic 

Tips for a healthy gut:

  • A healthy diet is extremely important for gut health. Strive to hit the daily recommended amount of fiber (25 grams), minimize red meat intake and eat fruits and veggies.

  • Exercise regularly. “Even just 20 minutes of walking, three times a week, will do wonders,” Desai said.

  • Limit refined sugar and carbohydrates as much as possible. High-sugar intake is associated with a host of serious diseases and can disrupt your gut flora balance.

  • Avoid bad habits such as smoking, drinking soda and overindulging in alcohol.

  • Drink at least eight glasses of water every day.

  • If you have known food allergies or intolerances, be respectful of them and don’t push your body’s limits.

  • Be predictable with your body — eat a steady diet, have meals at the same time every day, get on a consistent sleep schedule and exercise on a routine. “Our bodies like consistency. Do the same basic things each day and your body will thank you for it,”

  • Take a probiotic (especially if you’ve been taking antibiotics or steroids) to supplement any imbalances in your gut flora.

This article originally appeared on Global Healing Center

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